Тест к разделу 5

к учебнику О.В. Афанасьевой



Unit 5

Level II

1.                    Choose the right item.

1.          All the children knew the answer ( besides\except) Irene.

2.                    How long have you been ( waiting\ awaiting) for the letter?

3.                    I’d ( better| rather) go to the cinema than to the theatre.

4.                    Mrs Winfried led a ( quiet\ quite) life.

5.                    The goods will be  delivered ( by\ through) boat.

6.                    Phil says he doesn’t ( altogether \ together ) agree but he

             sees some point in our decision.

7.                    The water in the river ( flew\ flowed) peacefully.

8.                    Max has a lot of friends but I know only a ( couple \pair) of them.

9.                    I badly need another ( pair \ couple) of sleepers.

10.        You’d ( rather \ better) not go out today, it’s pouring outside.

11.        I always write my letters ( by\ from ) hand.

12.        Jane you look( awful \ awfully).

13.        I’m (awful\awfully) sorry for you.

14.        Mary looked (sad\sadly) at me and burst out 


15.         The teacher’s voice sounded so ( quiet\quietly) that

                I hardly understood

               what he was saying.


Level III

Choose the right item.

1.                    Is it a__ train or do I have to change?

               ( a) thorough b) through c) threw


2.                    Could you drop me _ on the corner of the road?

                 a ) out b) in c) off

3.                    What a happy day! I do feel _ I hope my luck will last.

               a) well b) good c) nicely

4.                     You could me_ beforehand. I’ve missed such an

              interesting lecture.

              a) inform\b) have informed\c) to inform

5.                    The novel was just great: I read_ of pages and couldn’t

               put the book down.

               a) pair b) two c)  a couple                                           

6.                    I’m going to the post office, it’s only a short_ and

                I’ll be back in half an hour.

               a) voyage b) journey c) trip )

7.                    I can’t sit on the back seat of a car: I get

                 a) airsick b) travelsick c) seasick

8.                    He dropped _of school.

              a) off b) out c)on

9.                    Jane dropped _on me.

              a) on b) in c)off

10.        Why drop _me. It is not my fault.                                                                                

              a) on b) in  c) out

11.        I dropped _ this old photograph in the

                 back of the drawer.

              a) in b) on c) off

Level IV

Paraphrase the underlined parts of the sentences to use your active vocabulary.

1.                    The ship hit an iceberg and went down under the surface of water.

2.                    We got into a taxi cab and moved noisily to the railway station.

3.                    The road was not smooth.

4.                    I heard a loud sound of suffering coming from the far corner of

               the room.

5.                    The old man’s face was not smooth, his beard was white

             but his eyes looked surprisingly young.

6.                    In those days the club was managed  by my friend Michael.

7.                    This is a yearly journal and our library receives it.

8.                    The room with its naked walls didn’t look attractive at all.

9.                    The majestic river ran slowly in front of me.

10.        My brother opened the door and hugged me on the threshold.

11.        I completely agree with you.

12.        What an exciting piece of news!

Level V

Express the same in English using your active vocabulary.

1.Я видел слезы радости на ее лице.2.Ее брюки были

    помяты, и ей пришлось их гладить.3.Море было бурным,

     и корабль начал тонуть.4.Ее голос дрожал от возбуждения.

5. Когда будет наша ежегодная встреча выпускников?(graduates).

6. Погодите минуточку, вы сбиваете меня с толку.


    Книга жалоб   и  предложений





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