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231. Schoolchildren in England usually have two types of exercise book for each subject:
a rough book ("
черновая тетрадь")
a neat book ("
чистовая тетрадь") sometimes called best book, or even fair book.

232. rough book
A rough book is an exercise book in which schoolchildren do any work which is not to be given in for marking by the teacher, whether done in class or at home. This work is often done in pencil, and legibility is all that is expected. The teacher does not take these books in, and does not ask to see them at all, except in cases where it appears that work has not been done, or not properly done. Rough books are treated more or less as the pupils' own property, within reasonable limits.

Rough work may consist of exercises done in class and corrected immediately, notes made in class to be copied up later at home, rough translations, plans of compositions or essays, homework to be corrected by the pupils themselves at the next lesson, and so on.

On the covers of their rough books the pupils write their name, form and the subject, for example;
Susan Taylor,
English Rough Book

Often school exercise books have the name of the school printed on the cover, and the following headings:


Sometimes children have only one rough book, which is used for rough work in all subjects. In that case it is called simply their rough book. The expression general rough book is also used in some schools, sometimes in the above sense, and sometimes to distinguish it from rough books for individual subjects. Sometimes the expression rough notebook is used in the sense of "rough book".

233. Rough is also used in the following expressions:

rough work (see above)

rough homework — homework done in a rough book, or on rough paper
to do smth in rough
to make rough notes
a rough translation ("
рабочий перевод") — either a translation in rough, or an approximate translation

a rough copy
This should be used only when something is being copied and not, for example, for a composition or exercise. Here rough version or to do smth. in rough is more appropriate.

a rough version ("
черновой вариант")

a rough draft
This is used mainly of letters, contracts, treaties, books, etc. It is not generally used in teaching


234. neat/best/fair book
This is an exercise book in which the pupils do work which is to be given in and marked by the teacher. It may be either classwork or homework, although it is more often homework. It must be in ink (ball-point pens are also usually accepted now) and not only legible, but neatly written and set out. (More will be said about setting work out in units 309-316.)

On the cover of these books the children write, for example:

David Bridges, 4B
French Neat Book


Neat book is clearer than best book, because the words neat and neatly are often used in schools in such sentences as:

a. Jeans work is very neat.
b. You must write more neatly.

Fair book does not appear to be widely used.

235. Neat, best and fair are also used in the expressions:

neat/best (home)work
to do something in neat/best




a fair copy

only in schools

This may be either a rough version written out neatly, or the best possible version of a translation, from the linguistic point of view, which a teacher dictates to the class after marking and returning their translations. (This is done mainly with translations into a foreign language.)
Unlike rough, the adjectives neat, best and fair are not used with the words notes, translation, version, draft. If someone has made rough notes on something and then rewrites them neatly, possibly with certain modifications and additions, one may use the expression to write/copy up one's notes. If someone has done a rough translation, one may say, to write/ copy the translation out (again) neatly or to make a fair copy (see above). After the rough version or draft of something comes not the neat version but the final version.

236. Usage of rough/neat book
a.— For homework I want you to do the translation on page 5 in your neat books/in neat.
b.— Take out your rough books and do exercise 3.
е.— Write the answers to the questions on the board in your rough books. When we've corrected them I want you to copy the correct version into your neat books for homework.
The subject (English, history, etc.) is rarely included in these expressions in class, since, when a lesson is in progress, it is quite clear what subject is meant. Outside the classroom, however, it may be necessary to specify the subject.
e.g. d.— How can I do my homework? I've left my history
neat book at school.
е.— My maths rough book's full (up). I must remember to get a new one[i]

Note the frequent use of [i]my, your, his, her,
etc. with books. It is much more common than the definite article.

Sometimes it is the subject, rather than the type of book, which is important, since the type is already clear from the context, or is not important.
e.g. f.— How can I do my history homework? I've brought my geography book ("
тетрадь по географии") by mistake.
g.— Lend me your physics book ("
тетрадь по физике") tonight, will you, so that I can copy up the notes.




тетрадь — exercise book, notebook (see units 225, 226)

However, remember that simply book is used in many situations (see units 216, 236).
тетрадь в линейку — lined exercise book/notebook
нотная тетрадь — manuscript book
тетрадь для записи слов — vocabulary (note)book

The following types of exercise book do not exist in England, or are rarely used. However, the translations given below may be used, so long as it is understood that they are approximate, descriptive expressions, and not standard English terms.

тетрадь в клетку — a squared exercise book or an exercise book with squared paper. This should not be confused with graph book, as described above.

тетрадь в две линейки — a double-lined exercise book or an exercise book with double lines.

тетрадь в косую линейку — an exercise book with slanting guide lines (for children learning to write)
тетрадь для классных работ — classwork book
тетрадь для домашних работ — homework book

Where it is necessary to specify the subject, this can be done in the usual way, that is, for example:
English classwork/homework book
тетрадь для контрольных работ — test book

Pupils should write on the covers of their English exercise books, for example:

Natasha Ivanova, (Form) 5A,
(English) Classwork/Homework/Test Book


English Grammar/Literature Notebook/Notes


English Vocabulary Book

From An English Teacher's Handbook
Jane Povey, I. Walshe


Со вторым пунктом сразу проблема будет, так как sixth form - это выпускные гимназические классы в Англии, не получится на BrE тетрадки подписывать, всё равно будет Ruslish. Form 5 - это последний класс основной школы (в России соответствует приблизительно 9-му, Form 4 -8-му, Form 3 -7-му, Form 2 -6-му, Form 1 - 5-му). До Forms - primary school.

Кроме того, всевозможные compounds с Form в BrE являются на сегодняшний день несколько устаревшими.

sixth form
sixth form sixth forms also sixth-form
The sixth form in a British school consists of the classes that pupils go to from 16 to 18 years of age, usually in order to study for A levels.
She was offered her first modelling job while she was still in the sixth-form...
N-COUNT: usu sing

(c) HarperCollins Publishers.

BrE, old-fashioned) a class in a school: Who’s your form teacher?—see also sixth form
-former (in compounds) (BrE, old-fashioned) a student in the form mentioned at school:a third-former—see also sixth-former
Offord Advanced Learner's Dictionary

В значении 8A класс разумнее использовать class 8A

Но в значении "год обучения" и "X-классник" сейчас всё больше используют формулировку Year X student/pupil, а также AmE - Xth-grader, Grade X

Очень интересный подробный сайт одной английской школы здесь - [] там почти все нужные термины есть


тетрадь для контрольных работ — test book

test book - это, кк правило, отпечатанный буклет с тестами

From An English Teacher's Handbook

Jane Povey, I. Walshe
Это какое-то античное издание?

Сейчас посмотрела пару анкет для всяких мероприятий, когда нужно класс регистрировать, вот например, в регистрационной форме для Parcel of English, Cambridge English for Schools TB, просят указать класс следующим образом:

Please supply details for each class:
name/number of class (EG 1A, 2B)

термин "form" нигде не используется

[] British School of Alexandria - Handbook

All students are issued with homework diaries, and they should be carried around classes and made available to the teacher on request.All students are issued with homework diaries, and they should be carried around classes and made available to the teacher on request.

The homework diary has a variety of functions. The students should have a copy of their day-to-day timetable and homework schedule. Homework and other activities should be recorded.

Merits for good work or behaviour (
оценки за работы и по поведению) are recorded in the back of the diary

Diaries are checked by the form tutor and should be signed by parents on a weekly basis.

Parents can use the diaries to send messages to the form tutor/class teacher (
классный руководитель, всё чаще предпочтение отдаётся второму варианту) e.g. Reasons for homework not being done, medical appointments, excused from PE (освобождён от физкультуры) etc.

это, судя по всему, дневник и тетрадь для домашних работ по всем предметам сразу в одном флаконе, которую периодически берут на проверку

Students in years 7 and 8 should spend approximately 20-30 minutes on each subject per night.
а тут речь о 7 и 8 классах
















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